In Search of a Chocolatier

Looking the illusive chocolatier.The illusive chocolatier.

We were all gravitating towards the roles that fit our skill sets: Lisa managed sales and butterfly chasing, Emily took care of business permits and bill paying, and I worked on packaging while complaining about Emily’s tight purse strings. We were a well-oiled machine except for the fact that none of us had the desire, or ability, to make chocolate. It was time to employ a professional to do the job.
Under the best conditions, finding a specifically skilled worker is challenging in a small town; there is a limited pool and those that are qualified are usually employed by the Ojai Valley Inn.  We needed a strategy, so we got together and created our wish lists. Lisa envisioned someone who appreciated music and listened to podcasts. Emily needed a person who would follow instructions. I just wanted somebody to tie me up and tell me what to do. Basically, we were all just filling out our dating profiles. Never did anyone ever think to find someone who actually made chocolate before. The truth was, we weren’t looking for an Oompa Loompa; we were looking for Mary Poppins.
Stay tuned,
Co-Founder of Beato Chocolates

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